About Program
Graduate School of Education
Agricultural Sciences Graduate Program;

It aims to introduce the basic concepts of recent modern agricultural sciences, to use existing knowledge and technology to find solutions to complex problems in agriculture and related industrial fields, to develop genuine knowledge and technology, and to provide students with the ability to work in teams.

With postgraduate education, the intellectual depth of the student is developed, and experience is gained about career-critical facts such as timing and management in education, scientific research, or agricultural projects.

In addition, qualifications such as creative idea generation, problem-solving ability, teamwork, communication, scientific knowledge sharing, scientific ethics, public awareness, and leadership are also developed.

With intradisciplinary and interdisciplinary graduate studies, the opportunity to train competent and knowledgeable people is provided.

About Program
• Opportunity to carry out projects and academic studies in industrial establishments with which we have bilateral agreements.
• Training with 3 professor, 3 associate professor, 8 doctoral faculty members and 6 research assistants
• Benefiting from International and Domestic Student Exchange Programs
• R&D oriented training
• Introducing or getting involved in Academic and Commercial Projects such as TÜBİTAK, BAP
Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory
Molecular Genetics Laboratory
Plant Pests Laboratory
Plant Diseases Laboratory
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Laboratory
Quality Laboratory
Job Opportunities
• Universities (Academic, Laboratories, Research projects)
• In public institutions (Research Institutes, Agricultural Quarantine Directorates, other official institutions)
• In the Private Sector (R&D, Technical and Pharmaceutical Sales units, Agricultural Credit Coop.)
• Individually (Agricultural medicine dealership, Production activities (seed, seedling, sapling), Consulting services)
Condition For Admission to the Master’s Program
• Bachelor's degree in a related field
• General Qualification (ALES or GRE)
• Scientific Proficiency Exam

• Please click for the program brochure

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